Who We Are

Redgate is an independent insurance and employee benefit consulting firm. Our industry experience and conflict-free approach to managing insurance and employee benefit costs gives our clients a distinct advantage in reducing healthcare and insurance costs.

The Redgate Difference

Health Care Review
Fee Transparency

We know all the tricks and make sure you do too

We advocate on behalf of policyholders to make sure broker and advisor compensation aligns with the scope of work and our own benchmarks.
Portfolio Health Review

We love to share great ideas and strategies

After understanding our client’s needs and establishing shared objectives, we collaborate with the best brokers, insurers, and service providers to achieve optimal results. We are 100% aligned with our clients and have no conflicts of interest.
Corporate Office
Purchasing Leverage

We can drive better pricing for you with leverage

We create and manage purchasing leverage for Private Equity sponsors. We identify key vendors and ensure the markets understand the full extent of the relationship. Our unique position enables us to deliver renewal leverage, rate stability, improved contract terms, and cost savings.
Redgate 2

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We’re here to help.

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